AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee

AIAA ISTC Website on Github Pages

Chair: Natasha Neogi -- Chair-elect: Justin Bradley
Secretary: Kerianne Hobbs -- Co-chair: John Valasek
LinkedIn Page
ISTC logo

The AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (ISTC) is concerned with the application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of the AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines.

2019 AIAA Intelligent Systems Workshop

Dates: July 29-30, 2019

(with an optional tour of either the GE Aviation Facility, Learning Center at Evendale or the National Air Force Museum at Wright Patt, Dayton on July 31 :)

Location: University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH

(TUC on-campus map)

Main registration and workshop website: Registration is closed</a> and website is down (see archived pdf)

The main workshop and registration website was hosted elsewhere. Click here to see the archived pdf of the website!


The workshop is an important part of the AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (ISTC) annual activities and provides an informal, unclassifed, international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on intelligent systems. The workshop broadly focuses on the four following categories:

  1. Human Machine Interaction,
  2. Vulnerabilities/security of intelligent and autonomous systems,
  3. Integrating Autonomy into Existing Ecosystems,
  4. Developing an Intelligent Systems Workforce.

Through the various sessions, speeches and discussions, we plan to engage participants on these state-of-the-art topics and their ensuing issues to help provide a better understanding on the vision, capabilities, and challenges for future intelligent and autonomous systems.

Workshop Agenda

The Workshop is spread over 2 days and 4 sessions. July 29th, 2019 (Monday) will mark the beginning of the workshop. Sessions 1 and 2 will be on this day (Day 1). Sessions 3 and 4 will take place on Day 2. The optional tours are arranged on Day 3, that is, July 31st, 2019. Its scheduled to begin at 7:30 AM each day and go on until 5:00 PM. There will be Social after 5:30 PM on Day 1 and Technical Committee Meeting from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Day 2. The full Workshop Agenda can be downloaded through the link below.

Workshop Program

Please note that this is a tentative agenda and is subject to change. The agenda will be updated on a weekly basis.

Student Talk & Poster Session

As part of the 2019 Intelligent Systems workshop in Cincinnati, we will have a student lightning talk session and a student poster session. During these sessions, students will have the opportunity to present their research in 5-minute lightning talks or via posters. Any research topics within the intelligent systems area are welcome. This is a great opportunity for students to promote their research, practice their technical presentation skills, and network with peers in academia, industry, and government. Thanks to the generosity of UC and other sponsors, the workshop is going to be extremely affordable for students this year, with a registration cost of $35 and lodging costs of $43 per night! If you have any questions about the student session, please feel free to contact Dani Selva and/or the workshop co-chairs Raj Sharma and Zarrin Chua

Here is how to apply

Step 1: Send a title, abstract, and university affiliation to Dani Selva at by July 17th. The committee will then let you know if your topic is selected for a poster or the talk by July 19th.

Step 2: Once you are notified if your topic is selected for a poster or a talk you can send a ppt or pdf to Dani by July 25.

Student Awards Sponsored by Aerospace Corp.

Three students from lightening talk and poster session be selected for the following cash prize.

  • First Place: $1000
  • Second Place: $500
  • Third Place: $250

Tours (optional)

Optional tours will be organized to visit the GE Aviation Facility, Learning Center at Evendale or the National Air Force Museum at Wright Patt, Dayton on July-31-2019.

Attendees can choose the tour option while registering for the workshop. There are 40 first-come-first-serve seats for the GE tour. The GE tour will be divided into two tours on July 31.

  1. Tour 1: 10 am -11 am July 31 2019.
  2. Tour 2: 1 pm – 2 pm July 31 2019.

GE Aviation Tour celebrating 100 years of the Future of Flight

Ever wanted to peek inside a real jet engine? GE’s Learning Center (located just north of Cincinnati) is the perfect opportunity for you to take a stroll through the history of aviation engines. From the earliest variants based off of Whittle’s design through the CFM56 (the most popular engine on the face of the planet) and the GE90 (currently the most powerful commercial engine), you are invited to come and take a guided tour in GE’s premier Learning Center! Come be a part of GE Aviation’s 100th anniversary of inventing the future of flights!

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force Tour

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force offers a variety of programs and special events for the audience. Click on this link to familiarize yourself with what the museum has to offer.


There are two registration categories:

  • Student Registration – $35
  • Standard Registration – $150

The registration cost includes 2-day workshop registration and food (breakfast, lunch and light refreshments) for both categories of registration.

Registration is closed.

Workshop Committee

List of committee members:

  • Rajnikant Sharma (Co-Chair), University of Cincinnati, Email:
  • Zarrin Chua (Co-Chair), Aurora Flight Sciences (A Boeing Company), Email:
  • Dani Selva, Texas A & M, Email:
  • Kerianne Hobbs, AFRL, Email:
  • Cody Fleming, University of Virginia, Email:
  • David Casbeer, AFRL, Email:
  • Elad Kivelevitch, Mathworks, Email:
  • Jay Wilhelm, Ohio University, Email:

Presentations from the workshop:

All presentations that have been cleared for public release are now available here: link

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