AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee

AIAA ISTC Website on Github Pages

Chair: Natasha Neogi -- Chair-elect: Justin Bradley
Secretary: Kerianne Hobbs -- Co-chair: John Valasek
LinkedIn Page
ISTC logo

The AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (ISTC) is concerned with the application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of the AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines.

Intelligent Systems Workshop

Dates: July 26-27, 2022

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

The 7th annual Intelligent Systems Workshop will take place on July 26-27, 2022 at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX.

Join us for two days of technical sessions covering a wide range of topics in autonomy and human-machine teaming. (Please note that this workshop will be an in-person only event.)

Confirmed keynote speakers include Rob Ambrose (retired from 20 years of work at NASA JSC on autonomy/robotics, now Director for Space and Robotics Initiatives at TAMU/TEES) and Marc Steinberg (ONR Autonomy PM).

Abstract submission is closed! Thank you for attending! :)

Registration: is closed! Thank you for attending! :)

Program: is now available here!

Site structure:
Student competitions
Open mic session

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