The AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (ISTC) is concerned with the application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of the AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines.
Intelligent Systems Workshop
Dates: July 26-27, 2022
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
The Intelligent Systems workshop is organized by the AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee.
Workshop co-chairs:
Daniel Selva (Texas A&M University)
John Valasek (Texas A&M University)
Workshop subcommittee:
David Casbeer (AFRL)
Cody Fleming (University of Virginia)
Kerianne Hobbs (AFRL)
Ksenia Kolcio (Okean Solutions)
Amanda Lampton (Systems Technology, Inc.)
Hannah Lehman (Texas A&M University)
Hever Moncayo (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
Sirisha Rangavajhala (Draper Laboratory)
Rajnikant Sharma (University of Cincinatti)
Elena Shrestha (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab)
Steven Snyder (NASA Langley Research Center)
Jay Wilhelm (Ohio University)
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